
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Research Project Breakdown


The Hero's Journey Web Quest Assignment

Choose one person that you admire (this person cannot be a relative, and must be researchable) and complete a Hero’s Journey Web Quest to gather relevant, or important, information about his/her life. You must use three or more sources of information and cite them, or write them down, or the information is not valid, or usable, and you get a 0 for that answer. (“Google” or “” are not sources, they are search engines!)

Recommended Websites

Important Dates to Remember:

May 20th - Last day to research in class

    • Start planning your poster!  How will you design it?  Will it be set up like a clock?  A timeline?  Separated into columns?  How can you  best present your research?

    May 22nd - Turn your research papers in to me at the beginning of class.  These will be returned on Tuesday, May 26th

    May 29th -  You poster should be planned out!

    • Start searching for pictures and decorations.  Type out what you're going to say if you plan on printing it.  Otherwise, write a draft so you don't make mistakes on the poster itself.
    June 5th - All material need to be printed by this date.
    • At this point, you should be arranging your materials on the poster board and gluing them down once you're satisfied with their placement.
    June 10th - Put the finishing touches on the poster board.  It's due TOMORROW, June 11th.

    June 11th - CALLING ALL POSTERS!  Turn your poster in to me during class or before/after school.

    June 12th  - Presentation Day!  We're going to set up your posters around the room for a gallery walk.  

    Lost your papers?  Here they are below:

    Name: _____________________________________________Block: __________ Date: ____________

    The Hero’s Journey Web Quest
    Choose one person that you admire (this person cannot be a relative, and must be researchable) and complete a Hero’s Journey Web Quest to gather relevant, or important, information about his/her life. You must use three or more sources of information and cite them, or write them down, or the information is not valid, or usable, and you get a 0 for that answer. (“Google” or “” are not sources, they are search engines!)

    TOPIC: Whom are you researching?  ________________________________________________________
    The Hero’s Journey ­(5 points each)
    1.      Status Quo                                                                                                    Total Points_________________
    Circumstances (Where, When, Who, What, How) of His/Her Birth

    Source: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2.      Early Life – what was his/her childhood like?

    Source: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    3.      Call to Adventure
    What early event helped them decide who he/she was to become?

    Source: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    4.      Assistance
    Did he/she have a Mentor, someone they looked up to, to guide them? Who was it? And how did they assist them?

    Source: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    5.      Departure                                                                                                                 Points________________
    When did he/she leave home? Or when did he/she take their first step toward his/her goal?

    Source: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    6.      Crisis—What did they have to go up against?
    Describe the circumstances of his/her turning point. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Source: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    7.      Result                                                                                                                       
    Did they receive any other recognition, opportunities?

    Source: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    8.      New Life
    What has he/she done since their first success?

    Source: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Choose three of the heroic character traits from the list, write the trait into the boxes below, then find examples of how this hero illustrates these traits. (10 points each)                              Points________________




    1.       Courageous-         brave; meets danger; willing to risk confrontation      
    2.       Selfless-                 concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own; unselfish.
    3.       Loyal-                     giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
    4.       Trustworthy-         able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
    5.       Persistent-             continuing firmly in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
    6.       Responsible-       having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role.
    7.       Passionate-         showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief
    8.       Focused-                pays close attentions to; concentrated on something
    9.       Humorous-            having or showing a sense of humor
    10.    Humanitarian-       a person who seeks to promote human welfare (to be fair, just, kind, etc. towards humans)
    11.    Sacrificial-              a person who gives up something of theirs for nothing in return, except the greater good.

    Reflection: After you have researched this person, think about a few things, or perhaps steal some ideas from your Long Write to answer these next questions. (10 points each)                   

    1. Why is this person your hero?

    2. What lessons can you take from their struggles and successes to apply to your life?

    3. What did you learn that you did not know about?

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